Всё в продолжении прекрасно, начиная с обложки (к счастью поменяли её) и оглавления, и заканчивая тем, что мне её неожиданно подарили, меня это очень растрогало и позволило мне отвлечься на целых два дня от апатии.
Конечно, если не понравилась первая часть, то однозначно нет смысла читать вторую, тут Эйвон продолжает маневрировать на космических кораблях и прослыл отличным вором (видимо этому он научился в изгнании в перерывах между изучением кантонского), пока натравил на себя всю Вселенную, а интриганы продолжают пить много шампанского и курить, так что всё в вас, видимо, будет кричать верните Вилу! и Сервалан! но я так погрузилась в сюжет, что не смогла долго сохранять претензии. Тем более от них никакого толку, я воспринимаю это только как один из вариантов развития событий, наравне с другими фанфиками или тем же Kaldor City, и мне всё нравится. Даже при том что у меня в голове совсем другой ПГП.
Опять много женщин у власти (в кожаных костюмах и в шикарных платьях), опять политика, манипуляции, секреты и убийства в верхнем эшелоне (они забавно самоустраняются, облегчая Эйвону работу, лол, при том что он не особо даже в них заинтересован). + Во всём виноваты русские (и китайцы). + Ещё слеш (И теперь фемслеш!!1111адинадин!! Я сначала подумала, что меня занесло на поворотах, но нет, оказалось, что я права, ура!). А пока Керр снова даёт Магде по лицу и даже пока новая героиня ему симпатизирует (ещё бы, Эйвон в шёлковом халате, дайте два), Орак ревнует его к бортовому компьютеру (как вариант страдает Стокгольмским синдромом XD) и хранит ему верность.
Дальше немного спойлеров и много сочных цитат (которые в этот раз мне лень переводить)
И без контекста, ведь так гораздо веселее
‘Are you aware that there is a contract out on you?’
‘I don’t think there has been a time in my life when there hasn’t been.’
‘I’m not as young as I used to be and I’m getting a little tired of having to kill to get what I want.’
'The neutralising code is treble six.’
‘That’s the number of the beast.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘There’s no reason why you should.’ Avon kissed her full on the mouth. ‘I’ll be about twenty minutes. Watch for my signal. If someone tries to enter this room uninvited, create merry hell.’ He smiled.
Grant smiled. ‘He always thought I was the mercenary, not him, and for a while, I suppose I was. But of course, as we both now know, he was the one who cared to look after his own interests at the expense of anyone else’s. Whilst I became a convert to the religion that seeks freedom and justice for all and let any expense go hang, Avon was in self-denial. He will not have changed, I think. Not his fault, I suppose. After all, a psychopath doesn’t know he’s a psychopath, does he?’
'I’m a great believer in doing things unto others as they would do unto you!’ Avon favoured her with a dazzling smile.
‘I never thought I would say this,’ Orac muttered, ‘but come back soon, Avon.’
‘Once they have you, Orac, I will be superfluous to requirements. I’ll be a dead man.’
‘Do you prefer your present circumstances? A kind of living death?’
Avon did not speak for a long time. ‘I cannot answer that,’ he said finally.
‘Surely you are not becoming sentimental about a mere machine?’ Orac said acidly.
(Это при том Орак ревнует Эйвона к другому компьютеру )
Avon: ‘And spend what’s left of my life wandering the universe like some latter-day Flying Dutchman, always looking over my shoulder, never knowing when nemesis will put in an appearance?’
Orac: ‘It’s what you’ve been doing for decades. You are too old to change your ways.’
Avon: ‘That’s what you think, is it?’
Orac: ‘You have pointed out that machines cannot think.’
'...there is a likely place. An abandoned planetoid called Abyss.’
Avon was startled. ‘Why would it be called that?’
‘Well, when we get there, we might find out. You’re not afraid, are you?’ Orac chuckled. ‘After all, Avon, you have stared into the abyss on a number of occasions.’
‘You’re right about that, I suppose. My only concern is that this Abyss might stare back.’
Avon: ‘So he’s been tracking us all the while. I wonder why?’
Orac: ‘It could be that he is very fond of you. On the other hand, I would suggest he is fonder of me.’
‘Fortune favours the brave,’ Orac said, before adding, ‘or the foolish.’
‘And fools rush in where angels fear to tread.’
‘You’re no angel, Avon.’
Avon smiled slightly
Before following, Avon said, ‘Cover me, Orac.’
‘Don’t I always?’
Xian: ‘Like the ageing lion, you’ll search for a place to die.’
Avon: ‘That’s not exactly what I have in mind.
‘I have gathered that you feel some affection for the woman called Xian,’ Orac said disapprovingly. ‘Doubtless, you permitted her to kiss you – as a fond farewell.’
‘I had forgotten what a puritan you are, Orac.’
‘Well, did you?’
‘She kissed me, yes.’
Orac sighed with irritation. ‘You fitted one to me as a security device. Clearly, you have forgotten. Your forgetfulness as you age is becoming more than just occasional.’
‘Well, you’ll always be here to remind me of anything I’ve overlooked.’
‘All I can suggest is that if I happened to be you, and I thank the computer gods that I am not, I’d risk it anyway. We’re going to need fuel rods, sooner rather than later, and the Beyond is the only place we’re going to get them.’
‘You mean enter the Beyond in stealth mode, raid a warlord’s fuel dump, then run for it?’
‘You did it on Xerxes.’
‘I had a little help.’
‘You’ve got me,’ Orac said plaintively.
Orac: ‘You got away from Alaric before – you can do it again.’
Avon: ‘I admire your confidence in me.’
Orac: ‘What else are you going to do? Sit around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for death?’
Avon: ‘Well, if you put it that way...’
‘Overcoming any modesty, I would suggest they did not wish to harm me,’ Orac said.
Avon laughed without much humour. ‘It would appear that they are stepping up their attempts to get hold of you.’
‘And kill you in the process.’
Мне не понятно почему до сих пор никто не решил взорвать к чертям как Эйвона так и Орака, уже давно было легче отказаться от последнего, чем пытаться его заполучить, и, хотя такая мысль всё же прозвучала пару раз ближе к концу, никто это не воспринял всерьёз.
‘I am very sorry, Avon,’ Orac said.
‘There’s no need to apologise. I’m as much to blame for getting us into this situation. Question is, how do we get out of it?’
‘I fear we are lost.’
‘There’s no need to be fearful.’ Avon began laying out an assortment of weapons.
‘Open your mouth,’ Orac said. ‘Think of me as a dentist.’
Avon made a face. ‘I’d rather not.’ But he opened his mouth and leaned further forward.
‘Oh, this is a very pretty little thing,’ Orac said. ‘Close your eyes and think of something else.’ (Ага, ага, Lie down and think of England )
Avon obeyed the instruction. There was a hissing sound, followed by a tingling sensation in the roof of his mouth.
‘Don’t move,’ Orac said. Then, in a triumphant tone, it exclaimed, ‘Got it!’
Avon backed away, rubbing his jaw.
‘That wasn’t too bad, was it?’
Avon licked the roof of his mouth. Apart from a slight hint of metal, he tasted nothing. ‘Not bad at all,’ he said.
Orac sighed again. ‘I must say, Avon, there’s never a dull moment with you is there?’
Orac: ‘You expect a lot of me, don’t you?’
Avon: ‘You usually deliver.’
Avon was already gone.
‘Do be careful,’ Orac muttered.
‘Something wicked this way comes,’ Orac said, with just a suggestion of humour.
Avon smiled grimly. ‘I figured that phial of nitro would come in handy,’ he said.
Avon awakened with a start. ‘How long have I been out?’
‘You have been in the arms of Morpheus for almost twelve hours,’ Orac said.
Avon took a deep breath and released it.
‘Considering the effects your recent exertions have had upon you – and, let’s face it, you’re not getting any younger – sleep was essential,’ Orac announced.
‘Does that observation mean you are deterred?’
‘I am angry,’ Avon said mildly.
‘Oh dear,’ Orac stuttered. ‘I don’t like it when you’re angry. And those against whom your anger is directed will like it even less.’
‘I feel sorry for you, Avon,’ Orac said at length.
‘You’re not supposed to have feelings, let alone express them.’
Orac went on, ‘The only man to gain your hard-earned respect betrayed you – or so you thought – so you killed him. The only woman you ever loved betrayed you – or so you thought – so you killed her. Thus, you have lost all faith in humanity and stand alone, except for me. And I am nothing but a machine. You are a dead man walking. You have no-one to turn to and nowhere to go. If these are not sufficient reasons for feeling sorry for you, I don’t know what are.’
Avon turned away. ‘Your sentimentality is beginning to irritate me,’ he said.
‘It would seem that their guard is down. Some sort of party – more like an orgy – is taking place within. When the cat’s away, the mice will be sure to play,’ Orac said, its voice streaked with puritanism.
‘How do I get in?’
‘You want to join the orgy?’
‘You’re being too flippant here, Orac.'
Кроме прочего Эйвон снова высаживается где-то близко к полюсу (трудно понять то ли в Сибири то ли Гренландии или ещё где) и снова переодевается в белое вместо чёрного, как в A Terrible Aspect, fangirl moment!
Я всё ещё считаю, что Вила отлично бы вписался в повествование, точно так же как и Сервалан. А Гранта было мало и особо никакого толку от него не было, его даже в конце убили. Однако я теперь совсем не знаю куда повернёт сюжет. И это интересно. После первой книги я себе по-другому себе представляла всё. После второй даже есть подозрения, что Дарроу перечеркнёт события A Terrible Aspect.
С наслаждением перечитаю и переслушаю это, если выйдет аудио, и обязательно дождусь последней части, спасибо БФ за спонсирование Дарроу